Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

[Gabbin’ with Gamers] Gabriel (a.k.a. VersuS)

Gabriel (a.k.a. versus_pyra_nintendosony) joins The Switch Effect on today’s Gabbin’ with Gamers. Having an active Instagram account with over 3,000 followers, we love seeing all of Gabriel’s latest video game related posts. So without further ado, let’s learn more about this gamer!

To begin, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
With pleasure! On Instagram and other social media, people know me as “VersuS”, but in fact my name is Gabriel, best Gabry though J. I’m a common 16 year old guy who loves gaming, especially Nintendo; although Sony is not bad. I enjoy Super MarioThe Legend of ZeldaRatchet and ClankMetal Gear SolidNo More HeroesCrash BandicootXenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story.

Can you tell us about how you got into gaming and collecting?
Everything started at the age of 3, when my father played Crash Bandicoot Warped and Harry Potter on the PS1.Then, with the NES, we would play Donkey Kong and from that point my passion was born.

Very artistic!

What was the first console and game that you owned?
As I mentioned before, PS1 and NES.

Do you have any fond childhood memories based around gaming?
There are so many, including: Mario GalaxyAnimal CrossingMetal Gear SolidMario SunshineDevil May CryGTA: Vice City & San AndreasSuper Smash Bros, and more. These memories, to me, are more precious than gold.

Were any of your family members enthusiastic about gaming?
My dad was a stunning gamer in retro games and was great at Crash Bandicoot and Ice Climbers! In addition to him, there is my sister who still plays today and especially loves The Legend of Zelda!

Let’s jump forward a bit. Here’s one to get you thinking. If you weren’t collecting games, what would be your hobby?
Sincerely I do not know, lol.

As you’re aware, technology continues to advance the gaming industry. Have you been a fan of these changes?
Indifferent, but I’m worshiping today’s new consoles! Especially the Nintendo Switch and PS4.

Where do you think technology will bring us in the future?
Probably Sony will release a PS6, lol. However, in all seriousness, I do not know, but can count on the big industry leaders to continue to innovate and surprise.

We at The Switch Effect are obviously big fans of Nintendo’s new console. What are your impressions of the Switch?
I have been “Switch”ing for less than a month and I already love this system! I bought it mainly for Super Mario Odyssey, but I cannot wait for the next exclusive titles! Switch, in my mind, has opened a new road by creating a whole new generation, and for sure Nintendo will make great use of this console as it always does!


Which new games are you looking forward to the most?
Let’s start with Kingdom Hearts III that will never come out (lol) as well as God of War 4Detroit: Become HumanXenoblade Chronicles 2Super Smash Bros. for the Switch (we hope!), No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again, and so on.

What interested you in starting a social media account?
I love to display my collection and I think you have to put your heart on a photo. It doesn’t matter if I take less pictures than others, but just to put your heart in your posts and enjoy it!

Last question now that I’ve run you through the gauntlet. Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Do you love collections and games? You can follow me and before I finish this interview, I’ll just say one thing: FOR THE TRIFORCE!

Thank you again for taking the time to speak with The Switch Effect and for our readers to learn more about your gaming passion.

To follow versus_pyra_nintendosony make sure to use the link below:


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