Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

[Gabbin’ with Gamers] Jessi (a.k.a. jessi_farron)

Today on Gabbin’ with Gamers, Jessi (a.k.a. jessi_farron) joins The Switch Effect. Having been a gamer since ’93 and addicted to Final Fantasy since ’97, we couldn’t wait to sit down and chat.

To begin, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Sure, I’m Jessica, but prefer to be called Jessi. I’m 30 years old and from Germany. I’m a supervisor at a lawyer’s office and my passion is gaming.

Can you tell us about how you got into gaming and collecting?
I got into gaming when I was 6 years old. My first handheld console was a Game Boy. After that, the SNES, where I got to know my still beloved RPGs. My dad was the one who started playing them. We always sat together on Sundays where I watched him play. Besides that, I took care of leveling his characters because my dad hated the grinding. It amazed me so much what beautiful stories games could have. Of course, I played other games like Mario and Donkey Kong, but I was more of an RPG fan.

Were any of your family members enthusiastic about gaming?
My dad was the one who started playing them. We always sat together on Sundays where I watched him play. Besides that, I took care of leveling his characters because my dad hated the grinding. It amazed me so much what beautiful stories games could have. Of course, I played other games like Mario and Donkey Kong, but I was more of an RPG fan.

Do you have any fond memories growing up?
One of my all time favorites from my childhood was Secret of Mana on the SNES. Also, games like ZeldaLufiaTerranigma, Illusion of TimeSecret of Evermore, and so on. Then, back in ’97, I got to know Final Fantasy as I had a PS1. FF7 was the first FF to be released in Europe and that was what got me started (and addicted) to the series. So, I’ve been a really huge fan for 20 years now. As of 14 years ago, when I started to earn money, I began to collect Final Fantasy merchandise.

Jessi’s taking a break from FF with Yoshi’s Island

Let’s jump forward a bit. Here’s one to get you thinking. If you weren’t collecting games, what would be your hobby?
I honestly don’t know what my hobbies would be if I wasn’t a gamer. I’ve been playing for 24 years so I can’t imagine a life without games, haha.

As you’re aware, technology continues to advance the gaming industry. Have you been a fan of these changes?
I was always a big fan of the gaming evolution. It’s awesome to see how it changed since I started playing and how much more wonderful it keeps getting year after year.

Where do you think technology will bring us in the future?
I can’t imagine where the technology will bring us, but I think it will continue to amaze us.

We at The Switch Effect are obviously big fans of Nintendo’s new console. What are your impressions of the Switch?
I don’t own a Switch, but I think it’s a really innovative system. If there were more Nintendo games I was interested in, I definitely would buy a Switch.

Which new games are you looking forward to the most?
The game I am most looking forward to, at the moment, is the Final Fantasy VII remake.

What interested you in starting a social media account?
I started a social media account without even knowing what a wonderful community there was on Instagram. I just thought about sharing my collection and through that, I got to know the most awesome people and it’s the best thing that could have happened to me!

What is the best way for our readers/followers to keep up with you?
If anybody wants to know more about me or talk with me, please feel free to DM me on Instagram. I try to answer all the messages I receive.

Last question now that I’ve run you through the gauntlet. Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I think I talked more than enough about myself, haha!

Thank you again for taking the time to speak with The Switch Effect and allowing our readers to learn more about your gaming passion.

Make sure to follow Jessi on Instagram:


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