Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

[Gabbin’ with Gamers] Aaron (a.k.a. Nightmaaron)

Joining The Switch Effect in today’s Gabbin’ with Gamers is Aaron. Aaron is a Firefighter/NRAEMT, gamer, and struggling YouTuber, so we were excited to learn more about him! Now without further ado, here we go!

Aaron, thank you for giving us this interview. We came upon your Instagram page and see that you’re a big collector. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Well let’s see, I am a Firefighter and NRAEMT. I work full time for a county 911 emergency ambulance and rescue service. I have been a gamer for many years. I live in a small rural town where everyone knows everyone. It is honestly a great place to live. I love my partner and our family of chihuahuas! Ha! I have always been for helping others and always trying to make someone’s day brighter.

Can you tell us about how you got into gaming?
Well I have always been a gamer. Since I was very young. I got into gaming to occupy myself as I was a very hyper kid, haha. I loved to play outside, but I would always end back at the TV gaming. It sometimes was the only thing that could keep me from bouncing off the walls. As far as my “let’s play” career I stumbled across Markiplier one day and thought, that looks like a blast to do. So, I decided to start doing “let’s plays” myself. I try to hold back my commentary however to showcase more of the game and keep my ramblings limited, hahaha.

What was the first console and game that you owned?
The first console I owned was a hand me down Atari from my dad. Then I had a Colecovision. I was born in 1983 so I’m an old gamer, lol. But I remember getting an original Nintendo for Christmas one year and that was the best day ever, haha. I spend so many hours on that thing.

Do you have any fond childhood memories based around gaming?
So many memories, but the one that stands out the most is my Aunt Sandy who recently passed away. I miss her bunches. My aunt lived down the street a couple houses from us growing up. One day she was babysitting me. I was pretty young. I was playing Tetris. She wanted to learn how to play. So I showed her and a couple hours later she told me it was time for bed. Well the Nintendo was in my room. I fell asleep and my aunt was still playing. When I woke up for school, there she was. My aunt. Sitting on the floor. She looked like she had been on an all night bender. There was a coffee pot in my room and she looked ragged. She had been there all night playing. Even put the coffee pot in there so she did not have to leave the room, haha. From that day on, she was frequently at my house, in my room hogging Tetris.

Were any of your family members enthusiastic about gaming?
Not really, I am really the only big gamer in the family, besides the Tetris addiction my aunt had. haha.

Let’s jump forward a bit. Here’s one to get you thinking. If you weren’t a gamer, what would be your hobby?
Oh I love to fish and go camping. I am not totally stuck to my consoles and computer all the time. I also have a huge love for bowling. I bowl league two nights a week. If I am not at work though, you can usually find me gaming and recording for my YouTube channel.

As you’re aware, technology continues to advance the gaming industry. Have you been a fan of these changes?
Oh yes! I absolutely love how the gaming industry is making huge leaps forward. I would love to see gaming become like the anime Sword Art Online. Can you imagine how fantastic it would be to actually put yourself into the game, be able to live the game and adventures as if you were really there? I think that would be fantastic. But VR will do for now!

Where do you think technology will bring us in the future?
As I stated before, I think eventually it will become similar to Sword Art Online. I think the further we develop new technologies and ideas, the sooner we will get there. Not in my time, but eventually. All we can hope is that VR keeps growing and developers keep their big ideas and dreams and look to the future.

We at The Switch Effect are obviously big fans of Nintendo’s new console. What are your impressions of the Switch?
I love the Switch. I think it is an amazing idea: a console and handheld?! That’s freakin’ sweet. I love everything about it to be honest. I have always had huge love for Nintendo so I was super excited to see them develop something different and something that stands out. I love that it is super portable and can go anywhere with you.

Which new games are you looking forward to the most?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for sure. I cannot wait for that. Resident evil Revelations 2Skyrim, and many other games. Those are just a couple that I am anxiously awaiting.

We came across your Instagram account and loved seeing your collections. What interested you in starting a social media account?
Everyone is doing it? Haha just kidding. Originally I started an Instagram account just to share pictures and my life with my friends and family. It has evolved even more to now share my YouTubing and gaming career.

Additionally, you also manage a YouTube channel. Can you tell us a little bit more about what types of videos you upload?
Oh I play a little bit of everything. I am a huge supporter of indie developers and love playing their games. I play a lot of horror games as I love the horror genre. I do play some AAA games and will be soon playing some of my Switch games on my channel. In my “Let’s Plays” I do review the games honestly in my opinions. I tell my viewers honestly how I feel and what I like and dislike about the games. I also throw in some vlogs and silly videos just for fun.

What is the best way for our readers/followers to keep up with you?
I use YouTube, Vidme, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook mainly. Those are the best was to keep in touch with me! I also like for everyone to tell me games they would like to see me play. I always try to respond to anyone that sends me messages through my accounts.

Last question now that I’ve run you through the gauntlet. Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I really appreciate you guys contacting me for an interview. I do appreciate everyone that is a follower of mine and a fellow Switch addict. I cannot wait to see what the wonderful world of gaming has in store for us in the future!

Thank you as well for taking the time to speak with us and letting our readers learn more about you and your gaming passion. We look forward to your future posts and videos!

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