Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

[Industry Interviews] Ricky Wild from Wildlogicgames

Joining The Switch Effect on today’s Industry Interview is Ricky Wild, indie game developer and founder of Wildlogicgames. With Ricky’s first project, Attack of the Mutant Fischrows, currently in development, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to learn more!

Ricky, thank you for giving us this interview. Before we get into it, could you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got involved with the gaming industry?
Certainly, thank you for having me. I’ve always been a video game fan, ever since the SNES was released, I’d find myself spending most of my time gaming. When I finished school, I went on to study computer science at West Nottinghamshire College. It was here where I first learned we could make computers do things using code. I started with an easy programming language, Visual Basic and it was from there I went on to learn more about programming. I eventually ended up doing a Computer Games Programming course at the University of Derby. I learned a great deal from here and it enabled me to do what I’m doing today. I never did manage to get work in the industry after I finished university, but my curiosity in computers still remained. I’d prototype little game ideas in different languages: Visual Basic, C, C++, JAVA, C#. Eventually I stumbled upon the Unity game engine and decided to begin making a game. I never finished anything I started before Attack of the Mutant Fishcrows. I wanted to create something and finish it. Its development has snowballed ever since and I aim to finish.

What was your first console/game you owned?
This was the SNES, a Christmas present from my father and I loved it! It came with Super Mario World.

Growing up, what inspired you to pursue a career in the gaming industry?
Super Mario World, Super Mario 64Zelda: Ocarina of Time, mostly Nintendo titles from my younger days. I enjoy video games but at some point, that evolved into wanting to make them.

Attack of the Mutant Fishcrows is a retro platformer where you create your own character and traverse the hostile landscape. In the game, you’ll fight, swim, jump, climb, run, and make your way through this expansive world. However, with each passing day, the Mutant Fishcrow’s ranks increase as well as their strength. From the available footage and playable demo, there is a great deal of work that was put into this game and it’s evident by the amount of options given to the player throughout his journey.

All of us at The Switch Effect love a retro-inspired game. Can you talk about Attack of the Mutant Fishcrows and how this project came to be?
I wanted my first title to be a throwback to all our beloved retro games. It was to be a platformer, like Super Mario World but in its own right, with its own unique style, game play and story.

Can you provide an update as to the current status?
Its current status is beyond 50% complete. I aim for Q1 2018 release, however it could end up being a little later. This is my first title and I have learned a great deal. However I never anticipated it taking as long as it has. I’m learning every day and I love it.

What has been the biggest challenge so far in developing your own game?
Time management for sure.

Is there an expected release date at this time?
Q1/Q2 2018. I’m working very hard to achieve this.

Let’s “switch” gears a bit. We at The Switch Effect are obviously huge fans of Nintendo’s newest console, the Nintendo Switch. What are your thoughts on the system?
It looks awesome! I want one, but I don’t have the time for it right now. When I’m finished developing my title, I will be buying a Nintendo Switch with Zelda BoTW and Super Mario Odyssey.

Could fans expect to see Attack of the Mutant Fishcrows release onto the Switch in the future?
I’d like to say yes and I will certainly be applying for that opportunity, but we will have to wait and see. I can say it was set for the Nintendo Wii U, but that is discontinued.

Where can our readers follow future updates from Wildlogicgames?
Honestly the best place is my twitter account. I’m a solo developer, I’m doing it all. This leaves little time for development blogs and the such. It’s easy to upload a work-in-progress GIF or some screenshots to twitter. I also occasionally upload game play updates to my YouTube account. These videos are posted to my twitter account.

Finally, is there anything else you’d like to share?
Yes, if you’re interested in the game please do give me a follow on twitter. Sharing my content is super helpful and is greatly appreciated!

Thank you again Ricky for taking the time to speak with The Switch Effect. All of us look forward to continued updates and the eventual release of Attack of the Mutant Fishcrows!

Use the links below to follow Ricky and Wildlogicgames!

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