Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

[News] Patrol the Wasteland This Fall on Nintendo Switch

Back to the Wasteland

Brian Fargo, head honcho over at inXile Entertainment tweeted this little gem a few months ago:


That tweet got me all psyched up, but we haven’t had any more news… until today. We got a little bit of a look at it during Nintendo’s E3 Direct video. Yeah, it was like 10 seconds, but hey – the game is awesome. It’s a great post-apocalyptic turn-based strategy RPG reminiscent of the isometric early entries in the Fallout series. The few seconds we got looked sharp got me hyped all over again for a game I’ve beaten twice on PC. No firm release date was announced, but we can expect it sometime in Fall 2018.

Wasteland 2 sees players take command of a squad of rookie Desert Rangers tasked with keeping the peace in a post-nuclear apocalypse American southwest. The game prioritizes player choice in its strategic gameplay and presents players with multiple ways to achieve their objectives. I’m looking forward to playing it on the go.

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