[Review] Guts and Glory – Nintendo Switch
Guts and Glory
Reviewed by Kieran
Developer: HakJak
Publisher: tinyBuild Games
Category: Puzzle, Arcade, Action, Simulation
Release Date: 07.19.2018
Guts over Fears


For the most part Guts and Glory runs reasonably well. Load times can be a bit tedious which I suppose isn’t of great surprise considering the sheer scale of assets being loaded, even so the initial load times in this title are quite substantial. Re spawning is a bit of a sore point, as, like the load times in this game, are dreadfully slow. And the main issue with this is, you die a lot. Even the most skilled of players will be unable to avoid some of the latter areas when the screen is overly populated with mines. In my personal opinion this led to mild frustration as, especially later in the game, I wanted to keep trying to pass certain areas, but due to the obscene frequency of death, and subsequent spawning, I simply lost interest.


Gory fun with lots of replay value. Very basic presentation. Dumb fun, can be enjoyed alone and with others.