[Review] Flipping Death – Nintendo Switch
Flipping Death
Reviewed by Kieran
Developer: Zoink
Publisher: Zoink
Category: Adventure, Puzzle, Platformer
Release Date: 08.21.2018
Flipping heck!
From time to time a game comes along that makes you question your own mortality, your very existense. This isn’t that game. What it is in fact, is a lot of fun, full of charm, charisma and just the right amount of crazy. From Zoink games, of Fe fame, comes a game full of weird characters, a dynamic female lead and some of the best comedy writing in a video game for quite some time.


Give me a flipping hint here…


Whether you are a goth, tween or if you’ve already entered full blown adult mode, hyper active toddler and all, there is something here for you to enjoy. The cutesy coat can’t take away from this being a slightly more adult game. With death being a prominent theme throughout there are some slightly more morbid moments.
Morbid yet somehow hilarious.
You know what, that should be the tagline for this game….

Buy Flipping Death for $19.99

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Available September 25th

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Available September 28th

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