Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

[Review] Redneck Skeet Shooting – Nintendo Switch

Redneck Skeet Shooting

Developed By: Mad Gamesmith
Published By: Ultimate Games
Category: Arcade-Action
Release Date: 07.01.2019

Have you ever wanted to be a “Redneck” and spend your day shooting random things? Then we definitely have the game for you here in Redneck Skeet Shooting. You play as a stereotypical country dude, with the hat, scruffy beard, and lack of shoes while you wield a variety of weaponry and try to rack up a high score in this arcade title. The game definitely has the feel of a mobile port, and is an interesting game to play through, but don’t get your hopes up that this is going to be the next gem of the eShop. 

There isn’t a story here outside of you wanting to get some practice shooting in in your backyard. You launch you household items and other random things into the air with your man-made skeet machine and lets the bullets fly. You are a country man who loves to shoot, and it is your job to master the skills of target shooting. 

The gameplay here is simple. Items get launched at varying arcs and of varying value, and you have to aim your gun accurately at these items and pop off enough rounds to break said item. For some reason, the pointer of the gun constantly moves downward making for a situation where you have to constantly move your pointer back up so that you can track the items in the air. This also makes for accuracy issues with the constant downward movement making you miss several shots. I am guessing this was done to add some difficulty to the equation, but I feel like there are better ways when they whole point of the game is to have as much accuracy as possible. 

While completing the objective of smashing up your stuff you collect coins that can be used to make some purchases. You can buy some upgraded clothing for your friendly redneck or new characters, as well as new guns that add some spice to this otherwise bland experience, and new places to test out your ability with some interesting venue changes.

These coins also count as your high score, which is the most replay value the game has for itself. Wanting to get better and higher scores is a common trait in arcade titles, and this game adds another title to that camp, where you will be trying your best to blow stuff up better than the rest. 

This title has a pretty simple hand drawn design to it, and is definitely from the same field as game you would find on mobile. The art is mobile-esque in all ways for the most part, and looks much like other games in the same genre. 

Redneck Skeet Shooting brings another title in the arcade genre from the same vein as mobile titles like Stupid Zombies or Baseball Riot where you aim for targets and shoot while you are in a stationary position. The major difference between those titles and this one is that those games can be considered puzzle games with their complex stages and more interesting ideas. This title is a straight high score machine, and there isn’t a ton of interesting gameplay or mechanics attached to this one. If you like shooting games and are looking for something super simple that you can jump into and have a quick experience then this one’s for you, and if collecting all the purchasables is something you like as well, then add that to the list of positives, but the game lacks the depth or interesting mechanics to make it something worthwhile.

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