[Review] Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection – Nintendo Switch
Developed and Published By: Capcom Categories: Retro, Action,Platformer, Nintendo Hard Release Date: 02.25.21
Ghosts ‘n Goblins seems to be that one old school franchise that Capcom remembers exists at least once a decade. Counting only console games and the Maximo series, it has been just shy of twenty years since we’ve had a new game in the series. If you count 2006’s Ultimate GnG, we’re still at almost fifteen years. We’re still at a solid decade if the mobile games are counted. What I’m getting at, is that we’re a bit overdue for a new game. Luckily, in the year 2021, Capcom has graced us with Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection. And returning again, is the series’ creator and original director, Tokuro Fujiwara.

Resurrection is hard. Soul crushingly hard. It’s downright frustratingly hard. Infinite continues grace the player, so as long as you have perseverance, you’ll make it through. I am secure enough to admit, I did have to lower the difficulty from the default, highest difficulty. This adds a few things such as an extra hit, a life saver in boss fights. In addition to that, you’ll get extra checkpoints, which you can choose to use, or not use.

We’re back to how the original Ghost ‘n Goblins was. Hard stages, tricky platforming, a small variety of weapons from great (the knife) to not so great (the boulder), and a story as simple as a blue haired cutie getting kidnapped. Magic from Ghouls ‘n Ghosts returns, this time from a skill tree called Umbral Tree. You can collect hidden Umbral Bees in levels. Get the required amount and you can open up parts of the tree. Want to have walls of fire protect you? How about turning small enemies into frogs. A doppelganger? You can even get something as simple as holding more than one weapon at a time so you’re not stuck with the worst ones.

The music and sound effects will probably bring back some nostalgic memories. You’re not listening to chip tunes, but they are the same songs or at least faithful to the feel of the original tracks, now with great remixes. The death sound effect lives in my head rent free.
Graphics come as a point of contention for some, but I quite fancy what we have in store. Resurrection styles them as watercolor paintings, while playing in the game, it almost seems like you’re playing with paper dolls or puppets. I love this stylistic choice, it’s unique and honestly, I don’t think any other big publisher has ever done something like this. Designs will come very familiar to vets of GnG. Capcom has done little to modernize the designs, yet I don’t think that was the goal in mind.

With soft reboots like Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection, there seems to be a thin line of modernizing the series too much and alienating past players, but it’s pulled off perfectly here. Everything has the familiar sense to it, but it’s spun around, especially seeing as stages seem almost like remakes of the stages from the original games. The lower difficulty options are great for accessibility on top of everything else. Not once does the game mock you for taking these options either, infact, upon dying to bosses, the game even encourages you to keep going and gives tips on how to defeat them. It is such a satisfying feeling to overcoming the challenges thrown at you.
New to the series is a co-op mode, which can make the game even easier if needed. Player 1 is still Arthur, but anyone assisting controls The Three Wise Guys. TWG has the same abilities as Arthur, but if felled in battle, can return to as many times as needed. Also new to the series is the Magic Metronome, which if needed can slow down time, for those super tricky areas. Not all is easy with the additions though. Certain dark chests can open a hole into the underworld, sending you to a challenge room, where challenge really is accurate. Like everything else, it’s rewarding to power through.

If you’re a fan of Ghosts ‘n Goblins, you’re going to love Resurrection. Newcomers to the series will be greeted with open arms with accessibility options for days, catering to any skill level. If courage can push you enough to replay the game with the remixed stages you received upon a clear, that’s great, but if not, you’re still getting a devilishly good platformer. Please release a physical edition Capcom. Please!
Buy Now: $29.99
*Game Download Code supplied for review purposes