[Review] Shin chan: Shiro and the Coal Town – Nintendo Switch
Developed By: h.a.n.d.
Published By: Neos
Categories: Adventure
Release Date: 10.24.24
Price: $39.99
It’s hard to truly review a vibes based game. Yes, Shiro and Coal Town still feels like a proper video game, but to me, this feels like a project to make you feel things, or maybe remember this. The nostalgia of being a child and given the freedom to explore and discover the world around you. It is summer after all in this game, and summer weather is very much needed right about now.
If you’ve ever heard of the Boku no Natsuyasumi series of games, Shiro and the Coal Town is a sequel to Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation, a title that is very much a Boku no Natsuyasumi title in all but name. In fact, they were both made by the developer Millennium Kitchen. Shiro and the Coal Town may not be developed mainly by Millennium Kitchen, the game feels no less because of it.
For a bit of ease, some characters will be mentioned by their relationship to Shinnosuke as opposed to their names proper (e.g. Ginnosuke, Hiroshi, Misae). Also as an aside, if you’re used to the American dub of the Shin-Chan anime, you’re not going to be getting remotely near the same writing or mood or sense of humor. Yes, Shin-Chan is full of potty humor, but it was never as crude as self admitted joke dub would lead one to believe. Not that it ever stops Shinnosuke from being a bit of a smart ass.

Dad’s work has taken the family back to his old home town of Akita. On this extended business trip, you’re nestled near where your grand parents live. Well, Grandpa isn’t going to let that go to waste. It’s time to teach you to do these little pleasures of life. Catching bugs, fishing, cultivating the flora around you. I’m sure there’s a curious woman who just is dying to see what you’ve found, she might even give you some cash for it. You’re kinda new in town too, maybe a bit suspicious, so these kids aren’t going to just let that slide…you’re not a normie are you?!
How is one to navigate through life with so many hurdles? Well, explore. Go to places unseen. Maybe try and go behind the house. Go past the fields and into the woods. If it gets too late you need to head to bed for the night, don’t sweat it, there’s always tomorrow.

Ok so, the game isn’t completely care free. The title Shiro (your dog) and the Coal Town is important, and it all starts with the darn dog coming come covered in soot one day. He leaves this stone right in front of you. Grandpa was talking about these “Cheeky Stones” that are meant to be shared. But he soon runs off, you give chase and find yourself in the middle of the woods when a trolley comes by. Shinnosuke’s parents must be concerned.
You find yourself in Coal Town. It’s a stark difference than Akita. From the farms to the country folk to the calm serene fields, we now have an industrial city with workers, machines, coal!!! A young girl, Sumi actually had Shiro bring you to Coal Town to help it. A new town, new people, the belief that your white dog Shiro is a sign of prosperity and a future!
Coal Town residents have their only wants, needs, problems. This guy keeps calling you a creep and won’t let you proceed until you get him his favorite dish. He won’t tell you what it is, but I’m sure someone in town would know. You did go to a restaurant earlier, maybe try there.
It seems like you’re doing a lot of busywork for people. And yeah, you kind of are. But consider this a tutorial.
Final Thoughts
I think the less I say, the better. Yes, I want to discuss more the game, but I think this is better to be experienced more than read through a review. The game has goals, it has main goals, but do them at your own pace. There’s always tomorrow and enjoy the stress free summer on the countryside. Also those trolleys can go fast. Don’t get any funny ideas.