[Review] MiceGard – Nintendo Switch
Developed By: Game Dynasty
Published By: Valkyrie Initiative
Categories: Adventure, Action
Release Date: 11.28.24
Price: $9.99
*Game Download Code graciously provided for the purpose of review.
When I first saw what MiceGard was all about, I was pretty interested. I really liked the art style and how cute the animals were, the combat seemed pretty interesting, and the battles looked challenging. I looked at some screenshots and thought the game looked great so I gave it a shot.
While the art style was what made me try the game in the first place, it was the AI and combat mechanics that made me keep playing. You control the main character, Micel, and do your normal actions. Throughout most of the game, your guard of other mice warriors follow you based on the formation that you choose.
I just love how the AI works here because you can quickly change the formation with the press of a button. You can go from the archery formation to the free roam one in a split second and the other mice just fall into their positions fluently. Once in the chosen position, the mice just do their thing. I love that mechanic, especially with the free roam formation.
With the free roam formation, you control Micel and the other mice just do their thing. They’ll follow you erratically but if you start attacking an enemy, they’ll branch off and attack other enemies on their own and then venture back into position. They can roam and pick up resources on their own too, which is useful.

Then there’s the archery formation, which is exactly what it sounds like. The formation is a triangle and the trio at the back fire arrows straight ahead every second. I wasn’t too big of a fan because aiming was hard sometimes. The last formation was a defensive one where everyone crowds in a circle and moves as one unit. When you attack, they all attack at once. This is useful for keeping other characters safe within the circle or attacking multiple enemies at once.
Changing between the three formations on the fly was quick and fun, and I loved how fluently the other mice did everything.
So what’s MiceGard about? Well I don’t want to spoil too much because it’s a very short game that can be completed in a few hours so I don’t want to give away too much info other than you and your pack of mice must protect your village from dastardly frogs and other entities.
The characters are pretty well-written too and the game for the most part is pretty challenging, which is something some gamers will welcome. MiceGard isn’t a game-changer but for $10 it’s a short and charming adventure.