[Review] Caligo – Nintendo Switch
Developed By: Krealit
Published By: Sometimes You
Category: Adventure
Release Date: 04.03.25
Price: $9.99
*Game Download Code graciously provided for the purpose of review.
Caligo is a game that came out on Steam nearly eight years ago and I never heard of it until I discovered the switch version two weeks ago. When I first saw screenshots, I thought it looked like a horror game. But the visuals looked fantastic, and I knew I had to play it just to experience the art, if nothing else.
On the surface, that doesn’t sound like a great idea. Grabbing a game simply because of how it looks and knowing nothing about the story or gameplay doesn’t sound like a great way to enjoy something. But because of how cheap the game is, I figured others might have the same experience.
This Switch version costs $10 while the original Steam version costs $6. So, if you think the game looks good and you buy it because of that, but don’t think it’s a good game, there’s no harm…. But is it a good game?

For starters… it’s a philosophical walking simulator, so if you don’t like those or don’t have the patience for them, Caligo won’t be for you. If you can get past that, you’ll really enjoy the experience. The game is broken into multiple short chapters where you walk through a beautiful level while the story is untold.
The story and the characters are decent but because the game is so short, I really don’t want to spoil anything. What I can say is that the characters are voiced, which makes the experience a little more immersive. But for some reason, whenever dialogue started, the first line was almost always mute.
The highlight of the game is its amazing visuals. The environment is beautiful, and all the 3D models look so realistic. Don’t even get me started on how good the colors and lighting are. It’s a decent game but how each level looks is alone enough to push through.

I did get bored a few times because there were moments where the walking felt painfully slow, but that’s one of the good things about a game that’s short.
Overall, Caligo is a visually stunning game that costs $10 on the Switch for an hour or two of gameplay. It’s worth it if you want to explore a rich world in a short amount of time or have the OLED Switch. If you want to spend less and get the Steam version, that’s fine too.