Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

[Review] Subdivision Infinity DX – Nintendo Switch

Subdivision Infinity DX
Nintendo Switch

Developed By : Mistfly Games
Published By : Blowfish Studios
Category : Action, Adventure, Simulation
Release : Aug 08, 2019

Mobile games are a market that can be very underappreciated. They are usually deemed as microtransaction magnets and never get much recognition. So when one does get recognized, it’s usually for a reason. To top that, having a game jump from a mobile platform to console is usually pretty laughable, but can usually generate some shockingly enjoyable projects. Subdivision Infinity DX on the Nintendo Switch is one such game, having the “DX” added in it’s jump through space to consoles, but how will it fare in this new system?

Take to the stars as a cocky young pilot, as you enter the Alpha Tyche system and realize that things are very, very wrong. The stations aren’t responding, enemy ships are polluting the airspace, and the only thing left that you can communicate with is an AI named AV-2. Together, the two of you realize just how twisted the situation is, which leads to AV-2 not meeting your emotional reaction, and constantly slamming you with cold-hard facts about the dire situation at hand.

What pans out is a level-based space combat game, spread out in five systems, with five missions each. These missions will cover typical objectives such as eliminating enemies, jammers, reclaiming specific points, or protecting others…things you would expect from this type of game and setting. Each area will also offer a boss fight, as well as some optional side missions to give you a chance to earn some more resources.

While the missions are “repetitive” in nature, meaning from the genre as a whole not just this specific title, they are a lot of fun and offer a decent challenge for any player. Some will seem pretty simple, having you just zip around and take down a few ships, while others will have you trying to eradicate some jammers while dealing with powerful turrets locking on to you, and enemy ships flying around behind you.

Your ships HUD is quite useful, displaying literally every pertinent bit of information you’ll need on your missions. Opposing arcs in the middle will give you the extremes for your aiming abilities, but will also deplete to give you a better idea of how low your current ammo clip is on your main gun. In the corners of the screen, you’ll have bars representing your current energy level, shield and health, as well as numeric readouts for your ammo count on your main and secondary weapons.

Movement of the ship is really easy and a lot of fun, you’ll have this mastered in just a few moments from starting the game. The throttle is activated by ZL but you can brake with the L button. If you feel you’re not going fast enough you can also push in the left joystick for a bit of boost, but this boost is tied in to your energy bar so you’ll need to pay attention to that. Here you’ll also get waypoint indicators for where your enemies or objectives are, so you’ll always be able to orient yourself no matter which way you’re facing.

As can be expected, your shields will deplete before your health does, and also as expected only your shield will be able to regenerate if you can avoid taking damage for a short while. Occasionally, though, enemies and objects destroyed will drop crates that you can pick up. These can be health replenishments, or ammo for your secondary weapon such as missiles.

Completing missions will net you some resources, such as supply crates, money, and different kinds of ore. All of these will be crucial in expanding your hangar to include more powerful ships, as well as better and more powerful weapons. If you find yourself in a pinch, just shy of the resources you need for something and not many missions are open, you can replay old ones and still get some resources out of it.

Knowing that this game came from a mobile version was probably the biggest shock to my system. Visually the game is stunning, whether its the levels themselves as a whole, or down to the smaller details of ships falling apart and exploding. The sounds of the combat are very fun too, and the music fits so perfectly that it blends with the game and just becomes an extension of things, instead of standing out as a soundtrack.

The only downside to this game was a visual that occurred in the very beginning of the game. Initially, you are greeted with this stunning display of the inside of a cockpit. It’s incredibly detailed and wraps all around you. And then, it’s gone, never to be seen again because the entirety of the game takes place from a third-person out-of-ship perspective. It doesn’t negatively effect the game, but it’s a bit upsetting to never see that display again.

Overall, Subdivision Infinity DX is an amazing game. I’m glad I didn’t learn about it’s mobile origins until after I had started playing, because I think that detail would have soiled my initial impressions. I realize that by writing about it, I’m not affording anybody that same ignorance of the small detail, but I assure you do not let it be a factor when you determine whether or not you want this game. If you are a fan at all of air/space combat games, this is one you definitely need to add to your library.


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By HG Mike

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