Hi everyone! Elly here! As some readers or even the occasional visitors will know, The Switch Effect went down last week. It was probably a long time coming. Early in 2022, I was given reign of this website by it’s previous owner. While at first, it was giving me access to emails and social media to ease a workload, it then became fully taking care of the site.
I went from doing at least two or three reviews a week to…maybe three a month. Mostly due to being busy and other things I’ll spare the details of. Despite all of this, the site was still being paid for by said original owner…until last week. That meant, as you all saw, everything was gone. All trace was missing. I was planning on taking a short break to recharge myself, but that seemed to came at a power not of my own.
Thankfully, someone came to my aide. A writer I hired on not too long ago, Richard Heaton. His work was always remarkable and when I mentioned our dilemma, he had a plan of action. As of yesterday and after some talking, Richard is now Editor in Chief and owner of The Switch Effect. I feel he is a phenomenal fit for this position and under him the website can and will grow to new heights.
For me, this allows me to focus more on actually writing reviews. And on that topic, things are going to be different from now on. Reviews are going to be different. The next few are going to be in that old format as they were written and edited before the site went down, but everything after that is going to have a different, more relaxed, personal feel. I felt constrained and held back by a pretense that I need to stick to a certain guideline or style. But I never quite felt like I gelled with this format. It works for some, it doesn’t for me. Why go to me to get a pre-made format, right?
I won’t just be doing reviews or the random press release. I’m very interested in just talking and shooting the shit about whatever topic comes to mind. Maybe some interviews, podcasts. I want TSE to be more than just reviews or number scores.
To come off as cliche, please join Richard and I and perhaps some new faces eventually as we venture on this new journey (ugh that was corny) into a new world for The Switch Effect.
[Review] Backpack Hero – Nintendo Switch
Developed By: Jaspel Published By: Different Tales Category: Role-Playing, Simulation…