Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

My Time At Sandrock gets MASSIVE Update

Let’s be honest, the Nintendo Switch version of My Time at Sandrock did not release in a great state. While the gameplay is fine and there’s literally a ton of content, this version of the game is littered with performance issues and random glitches. You can read our review here to get a better understanding of what was wrong with the game when it launched. However the developer Pathea Games was aware of the issues and worked on a massive update that they released today. 

From a technical standpoint, the biggest fix that this update offers is a huge improvement to the framerate. In its launch state, moving objects would sometimes see an FPS as low as 2 if you were far away from the object. Objects that were close to the player, including the player suffered as well. With this update, the frame rate is significantly better, and both stuttering and pop-in has been reduced greatly as well.

The update didn’t just fix those pesky performance issues, it added a lot of extra content as well. There’s extra quests, more romance options, a new dungeon, buildings, and babies. This update does a great job at attempting to bring this version of the game up to the same standard as the other versions. But that’s not all because there are more updates planned for the future. Lastly, to coincide with the update, you can buy My Time at Sandrock for 30% off until the end of January.

Watch the video below or click here to read all the notes.

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